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See my book publication, academic articles, and other publications.  I cover STEM education, technology innovation, entrepreneurship, and regional economic development.  I bring special focus to the relationship between great K-12 learning experiences and the development priorities of cities and regions.

Academic Publications

Zintgraff, C., & Hirumi, A. (2021). Aligning learner-centered design philosophy, theory, research, and practice. In Spector, J. M., Lockee, B. B., & Childress, M. (Eds.), Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Springer.

Zintgraff, C., Suh, S. C., Kellison, B., & Resta, P. E. (2020). STEM in the Technopolis: The Power of STEM Education in Regional Technology Policy. Springer International Publishing.

Zintgraff, C. (2020). The virtuous cycle: Global cases of K-12 STEM education in the technology policy of cities. In C. Zintgraff, S. C. Suh, B. Kellison, & P. E. Resta (Eds.), STEM in the Technopolis: The Power of STEM Education in Regional Technology Policy. Springer International Publishing.

Zintgraff, C., Han, S., and Butler, R. V. (2020). Regional industry clusters: A STEM center of gravity for educators, industry, government and non-profits. In C. Zintgraff, S. C. Suh, B. Kellison, & P. E. Resta (Eds.), STEM in the Technopolis: The Power of STEM Education in Regional Technology Policy. Springer International Publishing.

Kidwell, D. K., Zintgraff, C., & Pogue, G. P. (2020). The STEM technopolis wheel: In motion through STEM learning. In C. Zintgraff, S. C. Suh, B. Kellison, & P. E. Resta (Eds.), STEM in the Technopolis: The Power of STEM Education in Regional Technology Policy. Springer International Publishing.

Kellison, B., Shaeffer, R. V., & Zintgraff, C. (2020). The quantitative view: How to measure STEM in the technopolis. In C. Zintgraff, S. C. Suh, B. Kellison, & P. E. Resta (Eds.), STEM in the Technopolis: The Power of STEM Education in Regional Technology Policy. Springer International Publishing.

Sánchez, J., & Zintgraff, C. (2020). San Antonio’s cybersecurity cluster and CyberPatriot. In C. Zintgraff, S. C. Suh, B. Kellison, & P. E. Resta (Eds.), STEM in the Technopolis: The Power of STEM Education in Regional Technology Policy. Springer International Publishing.

Zintgraff, C. (2020). Intentional integration of K-12 STEM education with the challenges of cities: Do this, avoid that, here are tools. In C. Zintgraff, S. C. Suh, B. Kellison, & P. E. Resta (Eds.), STEM in the Technopolis: The Power of STEM Education in Regional Technology Policy. Springer International Publishing.

Zintgraff, C., Daza, M. F., Rodriguez Vides, A., Fletcher, C., Kazsuba, J. J., & Webb, J. M. (2018).  Cultural and historical influences on a project-based learning training program in Medellín, Colombia. In Young, P. (Section Ed.) and Spector, J. M., Lockee, B. B., & Childress, M. (Volume Eds.), Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Springer.

Zintgraff, C., Chen, C. Y., & Yang, Y. C. (2017). Secondary STEM education, industry clusters, and society: Encouraging the virtuous cycle. Paper presented at the International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation 2017, Taipei, Taiwan.


Zintgraff Jr., A. C. (2016). STEM professional volunteers in K-12 competition programs: Educator practices and impact on pedagogy (Doctoral dissertation).


Zintgraff, C., Reedy, M, Osborne, S, & Pacheco, R. (2016).  Better, faster, safer and cheaper: USAA roof inspections with Pole Cam.  In A. Markman (Ed.), Open Innovation: Academic and Practical Perspectives on the Journey from Idea to Market.  Oxford University Press.

Zintgraff, C. (2016).  STEM professional volunteers in secondary STEM education: A study proposal to better understand the practices of educators.  Paper presented at ICALT 2016, Austin, Texas.


Zintgraff, C., & Fuller. E. (2016).  WhyPower and careers with mathematics: How middle school students responded in a virtual world.  Paper presented at ICALT 2016, Austin, Texas.

Zintgraff, C., Fletcher, C., Jordan-Kaszuba, J., & Webb, J. (2015). StemDev Medellín and an instrument proposal to assess regional STEM-economic development alignment.  In J. Slovak & D. Gibson (Eds.), Building Sustainable R&D Centers in Emerging Technology Regions, pp. 209-242.  Brno, Czech Republic: Masaryk University. 

Zintgraff, C. (2015). First lessons from CBAM and TPACK in a Colombian STEAM training program. In Proceedings of the University of North Texas 2014 Research Exchange Conference (pp. 65-74). 


Zintgraff, C. (2014). Evaluation of the constructivist learning environment survey Critical Voice subscale. In Proceedings of the University of North Texas 2014 Research Exchange Conference (pp. 65-74). 


Zintgraff, C. (2014). Building a virtual world for learning? An educational theory point of departure. In Proceedings of the University of North Texas 2014 Research Exchange Conference (pp. 82-87). 


Zintgraff, C. (2014). Middle school students and fractions in WhyPower: Gaming, repetition and learning outcomes. In M. Searson & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2014 (pp. 699-705). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.


Zintgraff, C. (2014).  Cyber City USA: Computational thinking and San Antonio’s regional approach to programs, pedagogy and education-industry pathways.  ISTE Journal for Computing Teachers, 11, 26-35.


Zintgraff, C., Green, C. W., & Carbone, J. N. (2013).  A regional and transdisciplinary approach to educating secondary and college students in cyber-physical systems.  In Suh, S. C., Tanik, U. J., Carbone, J. N., & Eroglu, A. (Eds.), Applied Cyber Physical Systems.  New York: Springer.

Zintgraff, C. (2013). Philosophical implications of teacher skills demonstrated in the WhyPower project. In Proceedings of the University of North Texas 2013 Research Exchange Conference (pp. 46-50). 


Zintgraff, C. (2013). The Clark-Kozma debate through the lens of systems.  In Proceedings of the University of North Texas 2013 Research Exchange Conference (pp. 56-59).

Miller, J., Tantish, M., & Zintgraff, C. (2013). Student satisfaction in online learning environments: Brief paper on a mixed methods study. In Proceedings of the University of North Texas 2013 Research Exchange Conference (pp. 71-74).


Zintgraff, C., Barringer, D., & Bremner, F. J. (1985).  Data transfer concepts and strategies in a psychological research environment.  Society for Computers in Psychology.


Bremner, F. J., Yost, M., & Zintgraff, C. (1985).  A longitudinal study of cardiac component analysis.  Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers.

Other Publications

Reyna, R. & Zintgraff, C. (2018, June). New ecosystem to fuel STEM/STEAM careers in San Antonio. Op Ed in The Rivard Report. Retrieved June 24, 2018 from

Zintgraff, C., & Reyna, R.  (2015, August 7).  STEM in San Antonio: Essential and strategic.  San Antonio Business Journal, p. 12.  Retrieved October 31, 2016 from

Zintgraff, C. et al.  (2014).  WhyPower Three-Blog Series for Next Generation Learning Challenges.

Zintgraff, C. (2013).  Technology-based development at Masaryk University.  Interface: Masaryk University Technology Transfer Office’s Newsletter (Autumn 2013).


Zornes, K., Holden, O., Leyden, T., & Zintgraff, C. (2013).  Spotlight on the Middle 2015.  Austin, TX: Texas Business and Education Coalition.


Zintgraff, C., Dillow, J., Fletcher, C., Flowers, R., & Robbins, N. (2013).  Three pillars for excellence in middle school teacher professional development.  In Zornes, K., Holden, O., Leyden, T., & Zintgraff, C. (Eds.), Spotlight on the Middle 2015.  Austin, TX: Texas Business and Education Coalition.

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